Here we go

So the plan for my blog is to be bilingual. I’m a German student of comparative literature and film and I’m starting this blog to motivate myself and document my learning progress for fun, mostly. But a huge part of why I’m doing this is to improve my English skills that’ve become a little worse since I’ve graduated from school more than three years ago. Since I’ll have to pass a test on my reading skills in English after this semester (this will be my first semester actually, starting next week) I thought it would be a great idea to have a reason for actually using the language since that should be the most efficient way of learning.
Same goes for Spanish. My Spanish skills are … well … not very good. But that’s not too bad since I think of myself as a fast learner when it comes to languages and I’ll only have to pass a test by the end of my third semester here. So you’re going to read at least some posts in Spanish as soon as I know a few more words, making this blog bilingual. You certainly won’t read any German posts here though, I’m sorry. Not for some time at least.
This blog will contain thoughts on film, music, literature, pop culture-ish topics in general and everything else I like to ramble about. Bloggin’ like it’s 2005!
